Making Connections Reading Strategy Lesson Plan: How to make deeper Text-to-Self, Text-to-Text, and Text-to-World connections

Making Connections Reading Strategy Lesson Plan: How to make deeper Text-to-Self, Text-to-Text, and Text-to-World connections

Making Connections is more than simply finding something that the text reminds you of.

Use this lesson to help your students develop deeper connections instead of thin connections like “this book has a dog and I have a dog…”

How to Make (Deeper) Connections – 4 PRO TIPS:

1. Connect with things you’ve read (text to text), things you’ve experienced (text to self), or things people know (text to world)

2. Avoid simple connections. Find things that are same-same but different.

3. Use one of these thought patterns: “This is like that, but… so…” or “A is like B, and B is _ so A is probably _”

4. Stop after every heading or paragraph and make a connection